Sunday, February 21, 2010

We are the Rich Young Man...

"Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
Though this man has kept all the commandments there is something else.
Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," He said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven Then, come follow me."
(Mark 10:17,21)

We have such a hard time letting go of things. Letting go of things like outward appearances, relationships, the comforts of home, electronics, clothes, friends, and even our own life.

God asks us daily to lay down all those things and to love Him more. He says that we will love Him so much that we will hate our own family in comparison. HATE our OWN FAMILY! I know I could never hate my family, I mean God gave them to me to love and cherish and love. So why would he want me to hate them? God isn't saying to hate them literally, but to love Him so so much more!

If we allow ourselves to become lost in this world we will never find that Love for Jesus, the only love that can save us, take care of us, and heal us. He wants to give us this love, He isn't hiding it from us. We just need to reach out with our hands held high and ask for it. We may not be able to see Him, but He is here, all around. So just talk and He will listen. "God, I'm tired of being alone, tired of being empty. I don't want to be empty anymore." Just ask for it, He will fill you up with love and warmth. And continue to ask and He will continue to fill us.

"But many who are first will be last, and the last first." (Mark 10:31)

We need to allow ourselves to become last in this world, because all these earthly things will pass away sooner than we think and there will be nothing left for us if we don't have Jesus. Though we may be spit on, called names, persecuted, and even killed, we need to be last in this world. Because if we are last in this world, and filled with God's love and word and spread His Gospel as much as we can and continue to be filled up with His Way and completely surrender our lives up to Him, we will be first in His eyes, in His Kingdom. And I would rather be spit on and killed, than be last in the Kingdom of God.

As God continues to prepare me to be a missionary each day I sometimes get scared because I don't know where I am going to go at certain times and if I am going to have anyone along with me. But I know that God will fill me whole and He will direct me all the way along my path. I just need to put all my trust in Him and Him alone. And yet I still get asked "how are you not lonely? You have no guy in your life and everywhere you want to go and everywhere your life is headed leads to a life of loneliness?" I don't want to laugh, but how can I not, I am never alone because God is always with me. I don't need anyone else when I have God, He completes me. But you see God isn't someone who will leave us out in the dust. He continues to surround me with people that love me and want me to follow His will. They help me in different ways, whether I just met them or have known them for my whole life. I look at a new person as a blessing from God and ask God what can you teach me through this person? And how can I show this person Your love? Can I be the one You use Lord? Use me.

As we look at the Rich Young Man, he followed every commandment and he had everything and yet he still was not happy. So he asked "Good Teacher, what must I do." and Jesus replied "Get rid of everything." And the Young Man had a hard time doing that, because if he got rid of everything he knew he would have nothing left, because he didn't have the love of Christ, he didn't have Faith. We are all in a way this Rich Young Man. We all have those things that we want to possess and hold on to. And All these things are what could be holding us back from what God has for us, and what He wants us to do.

We are the Rich Young Man and we continue to ask "What must I do." And when God tells us we are reluctant, we ignore Him, we do everything but what He says. and yet we ask again "What must I do." And God tells us. "Get rid of everything, everything that is holding you back from our relationship." and we continue to do everything else but that.

So this time ask again, "Lord, what must I do." And when He tell you "Get rid of everything." Do not ignore, do not hesitate, just do it. Because when you let go of everything and God fills you with His love and His treasure, you become the richest person, maybe not of this world, but in the Kingdom of God. He is waiting for us to ask and He will always answer.

"What must I do?"

Just think about it.

His and yours,


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