It is crazy to think how God has come through, how He has shown Himself faithful. how He has made complete beauty out of the mess I call my life. The wonders of our God astound me, and I will spend the rest of my life getting to know and loving Him deeper.
So as I embark on this journey I can help but see that He is calling us all on a journey in our lives. Whether going somewhere or staying somewhere. Whether working a 8 hour job or runnnig with orphans on a dirt road. Whether married or single. He is calling us on a journey, calling us to Him. Calling us to be His hands and feet. So what are we waiting on?
We are His hands and feet. We are the agents of change. We are the history makers and planet shakers and it's time for us to get so close to the Father that we can hear His voice without question. This is where we will find our voice. This is where hearts are drawn to the Fathers' love and lives are changed. This is where we will find boldness, and more importantly love.
And isn't that the message of the gospel. The greatest command. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Love. such a simple word. Such a powerful word. And yet this word gets thrown around so simply in our society. We take love and use it to gain things, for an advantage. Love is not for gain. Love is for losing.
One man, lost his life for Love. He was thrown in the dirt, beaten, broken. for Love. and instead of treasuring this word and holding it dear. We throw it in the dirt, beat it, and break it. Just like we did to Him. Jesus message is simple to Love to Go make disciples of all nation. To spread the gospel. Love.
It's something that God has been teaching me. To see the beauty in all things. To love people the way He loves them. Deeper, truer, selflessly, asking nothing in return. It's tough. and that's the thing with love. If we want to walk in love, we are going to have to do it on purpose. It doesn't happen accidently. It's a choice.
Love is a loaded word in our society. But in God terms it simple. Love is something true is something real. is something that conquered sin, conquered death. God is Love. and not only for the time I am in Haiti, but as I return back to school and for the rest of my life I pray that I can remember what Love really is. Not the stories in the movies, not the things that society tells us. but the Love that is God. and that He will teach me how to Love. Really Love.
and I pray that He will do the same for you as well.
Purposely walking in His love,
HIS and yours,
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