I don't think I have ever found a song that speaks into my life like this one by David Dunn called Traitor. It explains daily what I go through, trying to cast aside the sin that so easily entangles my heart. That so easily entangles all of us.
It is something that I constantly battle with, and Paul talks about it Romans, when he wants to good evil is right there with him. He does what he doesn't want to do. It never made much sense to me before, but recently i've come to discover that knowingly sin entraps me day to day. Whether it's actions or thoughts, they are constantly there and my heart is constantly betraying me. My heart is a Traitor.
The easy thing to do is to just brush it off, sin is sin everyone does it. True, but those who recklessly abandon themselves to Christ, recognize the sin and face it head on. Which is something I have been trying to do more in my life. It is hard, especially when the world around me tells me that it is okay to do what everyone else is doing.
The truth is it's not okay. I have watched friends and family fall into this and lose. I've watched friends and family walk away from this with the power of Jesus. That's the only way to overcome. We cannot do anything on our own. We need Him, He knows us, He loves us. Our lives should be His.
It's hard to be in this world but not of this world. It's tempting to give in, to live the wayward way of the world. But the momentary happiness we get from the world does not compare from the surpassing endless amount of joy we receive from our Heavenly Father.
Yeah, it's a tough life, Jesus doesn't just say it's narrow for fun. It's a hard path to walk, but for the few that find it, and choose it. The prize is eternal, is glorious. is Jesus. and really what earthly person or things can compare to and eternity of dancing on golden streets WITH Jesus.
Personally I'd rather wait another million years for that, then for anyone or anything else. Because He is all together worth it.
To be honest there is no way to escape this, sin will always be around us until the day Jesus returns. But as we grow in our relationships with Christ and realize yes that our hearts are TRAITORS He has grace that sets of free.
"as these words come pouring out i finally know what they're about. about the God who conquers all who helps me stand when i can't crawl and when i'm down on my face because i've chosen my own way and even though i've done him wrong he is there with open arms when i find that my heart is a traitor inside then he comes and vindicates it." -"Traitor" David Dunn
Living for Him one step at a time,
HIS and yours,
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