I've been reading in 1 Samuel a lot lately one because I just love David and I really aspire to have a heart like his, but more importantly there are some awesome stories of God's grace and power in that book. So today I read through David being anointed as well as his magnificent battle with the giant Goliath.
Now I'm sure ya'll have heard this story told a million and one times and it is a classic, but today I decided to read it as if I was David. Which was SWEET. get this David was the youngest and compared to all those other men in Saul's army he was the tiniest. Now I can relate to this, I'm pretty young, I'd like to think and I'm not the strongest or biggest person around. So i felt like I related well to David on this level. But then it was at this part where David is telling these great armies of Saul that he will go out and fight and Saul was saying "David you're just a boy you can't go out there and fight this GINORMOUS man." And David says "I may just be a boy, but with God I can do all things."
How crazy is that boys Faith! Obviously it's crazy because he goes out there and takes out this giant with a rock and sling shot. God never seems to do things the normal way. And while reading this I saw that with God I can face my giants. Those things that seems so huge I can't overcome. but with God I can overcome anything.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we all have those giants in our lives. Those things we don't think we can face or overcome. But we need to realize that with God in our hearts and on our side those giants are nothing compared to Him. They will be crushed and they will fall, but only with God's help can that happen.
I don't know what giants you are facing right now and I won't pretend to. But I know in my heart that with God, we can face our giants. We can overcome them. Just as David did. Because the battle is the Lord's and we are a part of His army.
Keep fighting. God is with us always and forever fighting right by our side.
Facing Giants with Jesus,
HIS and yours,
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