"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness." 2 Corinthians 11:30.
Developing film is HARD. and oh so frustrating. Do not try it, just take my word. But honestly since beginning my photography class the beginning of this semester I have gone through three cameras and 5 rolls of film. 2 of those cameras were broken and only 2 of the 5 rolls of film were developed. Awesome right. Not awesome. 3 of those rolls of film, after taking a ton a pictures and going through all the steps to develop them in the darkroom, came out completely blank. Not one picture on them. And I was just so discouraged, and frustrated, and weak. I cried twice, once in front of my professor, which is slightly embarrassing. And my professor, being the wonderful guy he is. Gave me two new rolls of film and a new camera, without question.
As I was in the darkroom once again, developing my fifth roll of film I couldn't help but wonder if God ever felt the way I felt. I put all this work into these pictures and developing them and nothing happens. I wonder if God feels the same with us. He gives us opportunities to do so many things and yet we decide to do nothing. Does he yell and cry and through his film across the room. No probably not, but I am also a flawed human being. And God is well. God.
But honestly how many times has God asked me to do something, pointed me in the direction, and I have refused to show up. Probably more times than I've taken and developed pictures. It just made me laugh tonight through this whole process I had become so weak and frustrated and as I developed my 5th roll of film I realized that I had been asking God to make me weak and help me to give EVERYTHING to Him. Yeah it's kind of dorky, but if you would have seen me last night and this afternoon crying in that darkroom would have known that I was at one of my weakest points.
Luckily God always comes through, with lots of praying and help my film developed tonight and I praised Jesus through it all. Because it gave me strength to know that I can do this, but I can't do it without Him. Which kind of goes with life. I can do this life, but I can't do it without Him. He's taking care of me. From my future to developing a little roll of film. He's pretty awesome if you ask me. In my Weakness He has made me feel so Strong.
He has blessed me so much and I know that even if I continue to make mistakes, continue to fail, and not show up. He will continue to create and work on me. Just like I will with my photography.
developing in FAITH.
HIS and yours,
Great reminders in here Cami, thanks!