"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Awake, my soul!" - Psalm 57:7-8.
My Jesus, is SOOOOOOO AMAZING! I cannot fathom this love He has over me. <3
Friday night, I was suppose to be writing a final essay exam and studying for finals, well I decided to skip all the stressed of homework and finals week and just close my dorm room door turn on the awakening service down at the house of prayer and just sit at the feet of my Lord for four and a half hours. I intentionally planned on just praying for an hour, but the Spirit led me in different directions and then on the awakening stream they were talking about shame and something just kind of kicked me in my heart. I have shame, a heavy amount. I walk around all the time praising my Jesus, and yet I still find myself telling myself that I am not worthy of Him or the people He places around me. It was the strangest feeling I thought I had gotten rid of all those feelings. But really Jesus is never done.
So as I am sitting at my desk with the lights off, I am totally filled with the Holy Spirit, I couldn't stop laughing, earlier in last week I wrote about how I was feeling empty and I hadn't heard the Lord in a long time. Well Friday night I was just filled with the joy of the Lord. I haven't laughed at the Lord's feet in a long time. But I just kept saying, I am not enough, I am not worthy, I am nothing, Why would You, Lord of all, want me? I am weak and broken and empty and worthless. Why? And through the tears of joy and the laughing pains in my stomach, I heard His voice whisper to me "Your weak love is enough, Your weak love is enough" and I was brought to my knees before Him.
My weak love is enough? My weak love is enough for the Lord of lords and King of kings, maker of heaven and earth. How crazy is that! He wants to fill us with His love, He wants to pour out an abundance of His love over us and we want it, but we are shielding ourselves from receiving it. Because we think we are not enough. But He says "You are enough, My Child your weak love is enough!" We are made in His image, out of every creature we are the ones that get a chance to have a covenant with our Lord. No other creature, demon, angel, animal, and so on have that chance. He LOVES US!
Lucifer, one of God's own angels rebelled and took even more angels with him, down to the depths of hell, but God, He doesn't want angels, He wants us, His own creation. He calls us Hephzibah, "my delight is in her" He delights in us, He wants to give us the desires of our hearts and even more. He has a plan for every single one of us. And all He asks of us is to love Him, with are weak, broken hearts. Because He takes us as we are and restores us, changes us. Because He loves us.
Love. it's a word that has been degraded in our culture today. We as people are afraid to love, that is why when Christ asks us for our love we panic, we think, "If I give my heart and all my love to Him, He will end up hurting me" This thought and any other thought like this are lies from the enemy. The enemy who is prowling around like a roaring lion waiting and looking for someone to devour. The devil sees that we are frighten by love and he uses this to draw us away from our Lord. But Jesus wants you to know that "Your weak love is enough" you need nothing else, just love.
No friendship with this world, boyfriend/girlfriend, marriage, job, friends, money, sex, porn, drugs, alcohol, looks, and anything else can fill us up, can satisfy us. Can give us the love we need like Jesus can. He has a jealous love over us, His people, He is passionately pursuing us, even right now as you are sinning, He wants you to come to Him to give Him your weak love, because He delights in you.
"You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and His way. And do you suppose God doesn't care? The proverb has it that "He's a fiercely jealous lover." And what He gives in love is far better than anything else you will find." -James 4:4-5 (the message)
He loves you and He is telling you "Your weak love is enough" Surrender to Him, give Him your life, your heart, your love. He delights in you, He has a jealous love over you. He died for us, because He loved us, and we were to weak to come out of the crowd and love Him, we denied Him, we still are. Let Him have your weak love, because He says it is enough.
In Christ's strong and abundant love,
His and yours,
Another great post :-) really touching and powerful.. keep writing :-)