We can trust God with our hearts. We can trust that He is good and mighty. We can trust that He sees and He knows.
We can trust that He is with us.
God makes all things new. He forgives and makes us holy. He transforms us from what and who we are into the beautiful character of His Son.
He is the God of new beginnings, who makes a way where there seems no way, who brings comfort and hope to those drowning in hopelessness.
God is with us. Always.
Romans 8 says that because God so freely gave His Son, to die on the cross, to be crushed for our sin, our sin, that we can be confident and assured that He will do more than we can imagine, that He is for us, not against us, that His love is everlasting. We can trust God.
We don't need to worry about anything because the Word says that He loves us so much that He sent His son as the perfect sacrifice so we can now be acceptable, and that we now can come boldly into His real presence and that He lives within us and will never leaves us.
Even in the darkness and darkest times- He is with us and for us and all we need. Even in the hard places when we hurt, He is all we need.
Because we trust Him and He is all we trust Him to be.
He is all we need.
But you see, we are the problem. We don't trust God, not completely. He just seems to good to be trust. So we go searching for this different identity, longing to find this identity that feels right, longing to be comfortable in our own skin.
But the thing we are searching for is not somewhere else. It is right here. And we can only find it when we give up the search, when we surrender, when we trust. Trust that God is already putting us back together.
Trust the Jesus can repair the scarred and broken image.
It is in trusting that we are loved. That we always have been loved. That we always will be loved. We don't have to do anything. Don't have to prove anything or achieve anything, or accomplish one more thing. That exactly as we are, We are totally accepted, forgiven, and there is nothing we could ever do to lose this acceptance.
Before I found this acceptance, I had this huge desire for a boyfriend. It's all I could think about. It occupied every ounce of my mind, my time, my life. I couldn't focus on anything else. But then God intervened at the most inconvenient time for me, and perfect time for Him. Now that I look back it really was the perfect time for me. But anyways. Now I have no desire for a boyfriend. Yeah it's a battle daily for me, look at the school I go to, everyone and their dog is getting engaged or married. And yet God is first and foremost my bridegroom. No one else can take His place. No book, no friend, no family member, no man could ever take the place of my One True Love.
You see I have no doubt that God will put that man in my path when we are both ready. But I have no right to sit around and wait. God has called me to a higher purpose, a harder but much better path. And when that man meets me, I hope he doesn't ever see me, but sees Jesus.
My standards are high, and I know that. No man will ever have my heart the way God does and if this man is okay with always being second to God, then I will understand because I hope that I will always be second to God in his life. It's just the way it's meant to be.
But for now I am single and I am loving every minute of it. Because the things God has called me to do are for right now in my season of singleness, in my journey of just me and God. And when the time comes it will be me God and the man He has chosen for me. But until then I love where I am at right now, with my Bridegroom holding my right hand, leading the way.
And hey, I trust Him. Completely.
In Christ's love
His and yours
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