I recently heard this story about a Man in China who was thrown into a prison cell for his faith. He spent a year in solitary confinement with absolutely no human compassion, no conversation, no light, nothing. Just a plate of food once a day that was shoved under the door. And when he came out after that year in darkness he was nearly blind but his face was so radiant, so full of life people would come up to him and ask him what happened what was it like and his response was: "It was like a honeymoon with Jesus."
Here are some questions to prayerfully ask yourself; where do I spend the best hours of my day? Where do I turn to for rest enjoyment, and pleasure? And are there things in my life that I can’t imagine giving up? It’s one of the best ways to tell if something has become and idol in you life. Can you imagine giving it up, would you be willing, if God asked you to, to give it up? Even the good thins in our lives can become idols. Even if we’re in a relationship, or married, or family, or friends. Those things can become idols if we’re putting them above God.
We want to be close to God, but we spend so much time on other things on facebook, on our cell phones, watching TV, then we do praying and seeking Him.
Where do you spend the best hours of your day? Do you wait until you are exhausted and then try to have a Bible study? Do you spend all you best energy on things that are not focused on the Kingdom of God?
And what do you go to for rest, enjoyment, and pleasure? Do you go to His presence? Do you realize that a time in His presence, a prayer time will give you everything you need? Every bit of refreshment, every bit of joy, every but of peace, every bit of fulfillment. Or is that just sort of a concept that like “Yeah that sounds nice but I’ve got to have this, I’ve got have my time with my friends, I’ve got to have my movies, I’ve got to have my facebook time in order to have those things in my life, the joy and rest and fulfillment.
Would we be fulfilled the way the man in the story above was if all was to be stripped away? Are we will to give up now and not wait until we’re thrown into a prison cell in order to have a honeymoon with Jesus?
If everything was stripped away and you were thrown into a prison cell would Jesus Christ be enough for you?
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