"No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagines what God has prepared for those who love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9.
So let's leave it at that shall we?... Most people do, they read they eye has not seen and ear not has not hears nor has the heart comprehended God and leave it a that- happy to accept that yes God is indescribable, awesome, big, great, amazing, which He soooo is. God is a mystery and a wonder and indescribable and all powerful and amazing.
but... here is the part of the passage that gets left out often:
"But it was to us that God revealed these things by His Spirit. For His Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets." - 1 Corinthians 2:10.
God has revealed these things- what are the things?
The things that eye has not seen, or ear heard, or heart comprehended- these thing He has revealed to us because He lives inside us.
It means that we can know God, hear God, live for God, honor God, walk with God, be known by God, have a relationship with God, know His will and His ways, and on and on and on.
It's not that we will know everything that God is doing, if we did... He wouldn't be God. No, it means we become so in tune with the Spirit that we see what it sees, hears what it hears, prays what it prays, and so on.
On the topic of eye has not seen. I've been asking to see people through God's eyes for a long time. It's something I have desired to be able to do, to look at person and just see them the way God does. I never thought He would answer that prayer, but He did. And I can't come up with words to describe the beauty this person shown as I looked at them with God's eyes. Holy Cow, I wish I could see everyone like that. And I know I am not ever worthy of that kind of thing to see this person radiate God's beauty and oh my it was BEAUTIFUL and I can never look at them the same again. I can't, when I saw this person I couldn't look away, the beauty just radiated from their every being, Jesus was so prevalent. His light shined throughout the entire building. It was magnificent.
And just by that it makes me thirst and hunger for all the things God has for me and even for these people I get to see. I want to live by the Spirit, in the Spirit, and through the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit lives within us- God IN me. He will always teach me and guide me. WOW. WOW. that makes me so excited, that were are freed by the realities of this world, by the mundane look of this world, about the judgment of appearances because the eye can see and ear can hear and our heart can know the good things that God has prepared for us because he lives within us and reveals those things to us.
Keep praying for the Spirit to come fill you up. Pray what the Spirit is praying, He will fill you up and you will forever be changed. It is so amazing and unfathomable and I can only tell you that God wants to fill you, He wants you to see people the way he does, he wants to give you your spiritual gift. But first he wants you to seek Him out, constantly seek Him out.
John 14:14 says "You may ask for anything in my name, and I will do it." and Luke 11:10 says "For everyone who ask receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened."
Ask him so the eye can see and the ear can hear and heart can comprehend. Don't ask just once or twice, but continue on asking, and seeking God's face and digging into His Word. The answer won't come when you expect it to, but it will come.
What should you be asking for?
Just think about it
His and yours
Hi Cami I'm not sure if I know you but God is good. God has been speaking on this verse from 1 Corinthians 2:9 so I went on google to see if there were cool pictures to go along with this. And then This awesome eye was on the page which I really loved and came across this page. I read it and God really spoke to me through it so thank you. But the.. I glanced at your followers and saw that you know Chandler Vandyke hahah so funny. I was at an IHOP internship with her. HAHA God is so funny.