" Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
-Phil. 4:6.
Wow Jesus. He is just so amazing. It has just been one of those crazy nights that I don't realize how awesome God is until I am sitting still in wonder. God, He has truly won my heart with His never failing presence, matchless love, and fulfillment of every promise! Words cannot describe the fullness I feel right now and the way that He has taken away the anxious feelings that I have been having about everything.
I have no desire or anxious thoughts about the future right now, and whether that contains a man, a job, or a house. I only desire one thing and that which I will seek. to dwell in His house and His presence forever and ever. because right now the only thing that can satisfy my heart is Jesus. and is that not how it's always suppose to be.
Yes Life is tough and my life this past semester or so has not been an easy one. Trial and testing and anxiously waiting for answers seems like it is all I have been doing. And yet God is faithful, even when He cannot be seen or felt. And no matter how long it takes God is gracious. He takes His time. We might think He's taking too long when, in His goodness, He is just waiting for us to line up with the work He's doing in us. He won't rush. He is patient. And He has shown me that tonight, that no matter what happens. No matter who I think I might like right now, or where I might be working in the years to come. He's timing and His plans are perfect and far better than I could ever imagine.
But whatever we're facing in life, or whatever is coming in our future. Whether it is a job, a marriage, a family, school, or life in general. God has already given us the faith for it. It may not look like it, and we may feel like we have what it takes to overcome, but faith in God isn't based on our circumstance or how we feel. The enemy would like for us to believe that we don't have a chance in life, that we're too weak, too poor, too whatever. But God has a different view of us. God sees us through the eyes of love. He sees not what we can be, but what He has invested in in not what we or what others may see.
Seeing YOURSELF the way God sees you leads to a life of overwhelming victory.
But it takes faith. And living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led- but it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It's literally a life of FAITH not of reason and understanding not knowing where you are going to be in twenty years or even tomorrow just knowing Him who call us to go. We can't just hear that God loves us and see us as His child, we have to believe it. It takes faith to move forward and overcome the challenges in life. "He who is in you is greater than He who is the world" -John 4:4.
The truth is, the One in us is greater and He loves us. So let us stretch our faith today and see ourselves the way God see us. It doesn't matter what the enemy wants us to see or how things might look. Our faith overcomes through the One who lives in us. So we may not know where we are or where we are heading, but if it is where we are supposed to be... God will take us there.
Waiting Faithfully on His timing,
HIS and yours,
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