"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." -Matthew 11-28-30.
This is pretty much my life verse. Especially since coming to college. It's been four years and I would imagine by now that I would remember how stressful these weeks leading up to and the week of finals are, but it seems every year I am more surprised by the amount of stuff the professor pile on us, thinking that their class is the most important and only class we are taking that semester. Sometimes I just want to say "Um, excuse me, you do realize that I am taking four other course and yours and they are equally as strenuous." It seems sometimes that the PhD's just go to their heads and they forget that they were once like us, lowly undergrad students just trying not to drown in the ginormous ocean of school and work and relationships.
I feel bad at this time of the year, every year, cause I know I get short with people, because of the level of business and stress that just piles itself onto my shoulders. It seems to that this time of the year every student is competing with everyone else to see who has the most to do. To me it's not much of a competition I'd rather be the student taking two naps on Sundays then the one that skips church and ever other social activity just to make sure they can get one of there seven 20 page papers done. But what can I say, it's my last year with this type of work, but before I know it, life is going to speed up and I will be running around at a job trying not to stress myself out with that. Is there ever a time where we won't be stressed?
Haha. I laugh when I ask that question. The truth is, I think there is always a little stress in my life, I think it is good. but too much can probably drive you nuts. But God offers such and amazing peace and balance, and a huge life raft when we feel like there is no where else to go but down, and we begin to sink. He calls us out of the deep waters and into His arms. Because He can give us the rest we need. He can help us walk on the water, instead of drown in it's depths. I don't particularly have solution to the copious amounts of homework that professors give, or the eighty hours you might work a week just to pay the bills, or your family that may be failing and falling apart, or the friends that seem to be disappearing left and right. I have no solution for that. I myself am still trying to figure out what this all means and what God is doing and why I am here.
But in all honesty, that's what helps me get through my days. not just every other day or most days, but every single day. It is knowing that all this stress all this work it's part of a bigger plan. a better plan. I think about it like this. if I would not have taken that extra Soc class, I wouldn't have worked in an awesome group and met an amazing person, who i consider a great friend now. Think about all the things you've done that may have caused stress on you, but you come out of those things a better person. Stronger, Wiser, Awesomer (that's not a word... but it is now) :) God can bring us through anything and when we feel like we can't stand He says to us "come to me all you who are weary and burdened. all you who are stressed and restless, those lacking sleep and I, I will give you peace." He takes our burdens upon Himself.
Words cannot explain the amount of joy that I will have next week friday when I am driving home for CHristmas break. But as of right now, words cannot express the amount of peace that God has blessed me with. Yes I've had two panic attacks in the past week, but God has taken over and I know that in Him I can do all things. In Him I can overcome the stress, the homework, the broken things. And you can too. He can help you. He is the only way. Surrender it to Him. Those things that weigh you down. The failing family, the work load, the struggles with friends at school or siblings at home. And remember that He is growing you, He is making you stronger. Because when you get through this you'll not only come out a better person. But you will come out with a stronger Faith, a deeper Love, and a Knowledge that the Almighty can do anything, when you open you heart and welcome Him in.
You are all in my prayers. I may not know you by name, but God does. Through it all He is near, He is here. Even if it does not feel like it. Just open your eyes, your heart, and Surrender. Blessings to all who read this on this glorious Sunday.
In Christ's Peaceful and Rest giving Love
HIS and yours,
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