"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." -Zephaniah 3:17.
After a rough day, God totally blesses me with a wonderful relaxing night with a wonderful beautiful friend.
It's crazy how consumed I've been lately with frustrations and stresses of school and of this world in general. This world frustrates me so much. I frustrate myself so much. I catch myself thinking more highly of me, than of Him, and really who am I? There is nothing I could write, I could say, I could sing to give an adequate description of our Glorious King. He's indescribable. There's nothing I could form, I could bring, that could be added to the majestic splendor of our Glorious King, for He is unchangeable and all I am, at my best, is merely a breath for Him.
He is so magnificent and that at any moment I could pass from this earth and do I really want my last thought to be "Okay God what have you done for me today?" No, definitely not, and I'm ashamed that lately that is a thought that's been going through my head. What has He done or not done for me. Instead of stopping taking time and saying "okay God what can I do for You today?" because that's what more important. I've been told lately that by human nature we crave relationships, I can say that I haven't been the best lately with my relationships. I've been frustrated with friends that I have and the ones that are horrible at keeping in touch or just don't really feel like friends anymore. And I feel I put so much into those relationships that are faded away and I am no receiving anything from them. And the time I am wasting on the friendships or being frustrated I could spend with God. Spend reading His word, praying, singing, loving Him. And yet being the sinful human I am, I am trying to store up my treasure here on this earth, instead of in heaven with Him.
Seriously though, I've thought about it a lot. If I suddenly don't wake up tomorrow, do I want the people around me to say, "Yeah she was just a girl I knew, nice, lots of friends, but that's about it." or do I want them to say. "Yeah she had few friends, but Man did she Love and Reflect Jesus." um.., I'll choose the Second one Regis, Final ANSWER. Who cares how much money, clothes, friends, and so on I have on this earth. Nothing compares to working for God's Kingdom cause His love, this prize, this race is eternal. But I really need to work on my running.
Whatever I bind on earth will be loosed in Heaven, whatever I lose on earth will be bound in heaven. I don't want to leave this earth knowing that when I get to that gate, I won't hear the words I long to hear from Him "Well done good and faithful servant." I desire deep in my heart to hear those words when I reach Heaven. But to hear those words takes sacrifice, to let go of the things I so desperately want to hang onto on this earth. It's a constant battle between spirit and flesh, and I'm ashamed to admit that more than I would like it to, my flesh overtakes my spirit. And that has to do with a poor battling spirit on my part. For not training for this race, for thinking that I can constantly do it on my own. Because I can't, and I don't have to.
God is like the ultimate coach, and the Bible is like the ultimate guideline, teaching me how to run the biggest Marathon of Life. To realize that I can't run this race without Him. I need a coach right there in front of my guiding me and teaching me. Filling me with water when I thirst and a banana when the cramps and pains start to hit me from running for so long. But Paul says we must keep running, striving for the prize that is so much bigger than anything on this world. To loosen the chains that the world has us in and realize that God's way, God's will, God period, is just so AWESOME.
Giving up those things are hard, and it's taken me on a hard path, but without the trials and without the testing how can we learn to persevere, to feel the awesomeness of the end of the race and knowing that we did everything that our Coach told us to do, that we won, not by default, but because we were trained by The ALMIGHTY. Until the time He calls me home, I will keep running, keep praising, keep singing, even though there are no words that are not His, i will bring everything I have before Him, so He can take me and make me more like His Son. May He take all those things that keep me from a deeper love and may I let go without regret because what He has is so much better!
"At that time I will gather you; at that time i will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes." -Zephaniah 3:20.
In Christ
HIS and yours,
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