Saturday, June 26, 2010


It's been a while since I last blogged and right now I am sitting at an internet cafe looking at the sun shining bright in the sky at 9:30 at night. God's been teaching me so much these last 4 weeks that I have been here in Canada, but a big thing He has shown me recently is where my mind is at, when I am at the place He has called me to be.

There are a lot of distractions going on right now within my mind. There's distraction of what could possibly be going on at home, things going on with my team, my friends and many many more. This past week I worked as a camp counselor and I had 3 girls in my cabin. They all came from the same village but they all had different but very tough backgrounds. Something that really stuck out to me was how much they obsessed over what they were going to where, if they would have time to do their make-up in the morning, the boys in the other cabins, if they would get a shower (because the camp as no running water). And it struck me as I watched them obsess over these things in the back of my mind i found the things I obsess over. Though they are different things, they still over take what my obsession should be and it is that of Jesus Christ.

So what as i to do, Thursday during our cabin time, I sat down the girls for our devotionals and I read them Matthew 13:44-46. I don't have my bible right with me but i will just paraphrase it for you. Basically this is what it says. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. A certain man learned that the treasure existed and he developed a terrible obsession to possess it. He wasted all his wealth and secretly sold everything he had to purchase the field so that he could own the treasure. Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl of great price. When a man found it, he sold all that he had and purchased the pearl.

Now I told the girls that these men had a huge obsession for these things, and unless we, too, obsess after God's Kingdom, like these men did over their treasure, we will not find it. Now it's not an earthly obsession I'm talking about, not what you look like or what you'll wear or eat. but an obsession for God. God tells us in the Bible to Knock and keep on knocking, Seek and keep on seeking. When people roll their eyes, glare, and send us away. Again and again we must come back and see still again. Then we will find the treasure we seek.

You see God has a plan for each of our lives, and each and everyday He reveals it to us. I have this amazing opportunity to serve Him my whole summer, and I can't even begin to explain the past 4 weeks all I can say is God is at work!

All my love and may our God and King lavish blessings upon you all.

His and yours


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