Friday, January 15, 2010

Boyfriend? No Thanks I've Got Jesus!!!

I was reminded of how much I don't enjoy couples when I got back to campus on Monday. It was like they were swarming all around me, holding hands and kissing and engagements and if that's not enough we are now having a speed dating night. It's as if they want us to go out and seek seek seek a boyfriend/girlfriend. The thing is is why? What is the scripture, oh yeah SEEK FIRST the KINGDOM OF GOD!!!!! not seek a boyfriend/girlfriend, and yet we get so consumed by this.
And I just have to Praise the Lord because I seriously have NO desire for a boyfriend! And I am so thankful that He is fulfilling me each and every day. And I want that, I want to be fully complete in the Lord - lacking nothing. The crazy thing is that now that I've announced this news that I am called to be single today and maybe the next it seems that couples are popping up everywhere, or the conversation always leads to wanting someone to talk to, to share your feelings with and so on. My simple answer to this is that person already exists and He's been waiting. Jesus is the only person for any of us. He is the bridegroom and we MEN AND WOMEN are His bride! You want someone to share your feelings with, someone to hold you and take care of your heart. JESUS JESUS JESUS is the one and only answer!
This constant reminder that I am single is just the enemy trying to destroy my heart and my confidence in what I have built up for my sweet Lord. And He will not reach me, not through the ridicule and the constant bringing up of "you should go for that guy."
I don't need to chase after any guy because the only Son of Man I need doesn't run from me, He stands there with arms wide open waiting to hold me. And He will always hold me no matter what. The constant reminder that I'm single brings me closer and closer to my God, I can sit in His presence forever because " An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world - how can she please or husband." (1 Corinthians 7:34) This scripture also includes boyfriend and girlfriends or seeking seeking seeking out a relationship. If you are so consumed by having guys/girls around you all the time, then where is God in that equation. I know my math skills aren't up to par but that equation doesn't equal out.
And I also know that if God's plan is for you to get married then nothing would thrill you future wife/husbands heart more than to know that their future spouse is spilling their life out for the sake of the Gospel and for the sake of Jesus Christ. And if this guy/girl you are attracted doesn't love you and find you beautiful/handsome the way God does then I'm sorry their and idiot. Not being harsh just speaking the truth.
But here is more truth. When your enemies are to strong for you and you don't know how to fight the fear that comes against you heart, call upon the name of Christ for He is the Rock that is higher. Cling to the Rock that is higher because He will overcome your enemies because Christ is the only way. The things of this world will no longer matter in the end and if you are focused on your reputation and relationships more than furthering the Kingdom of God where will that take you. Ask God to show you the holes, seek God constantly, Be on guard against the enemy and Pray. Pray. Pray what the Spirit of God is praying.
Because what's more important your reputation or eternal damnation?

Just think about it.

His and yours


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