God isn't looking for Christians who are born after the wisdom of this world. He doesn't need "cautious" or "careful" men and women who, under the banner of wisdom, let the lions run off with the precious sheep of God, who allow bears to outrage and diminish the glory of the King, or who allow the Goliaths to stand and openly mock the armies of the living God unmatched.
He is looking for believers patterned after David, after Jesus. He wants men and women who are unafraid of death, unashamed of truth, unabashed about hanging naked on a cross before a multitude of mocking onlookers. He wants followers who are seemingly careless, reckless in the fight of their King, seemingly presumptuous in the battle for the sheep of God and seemingly lunatic in their willingness to tackle the enemy all by their lonesome.
He wants warriors undaunted by the hosts of 10,000. he wants heroes fully awakened to the realities of their King's cause, love, and glory. He wants men and women who refuse to allow darkness to reign in their hearts and minds. He wants men and women who are willing to rise up with the hot and zealous flame of fiery love and utterly devastate the host of darkness within their own souls and in the souls of others around them.
-Eric Ludy
What the world would be like with men and women like this. When we people are restless with pain for the hungry little boy across the sea. Sorrow for the mother who just lost her son. That we people would wake up at three in the morning and cry out to the Lord in prayer for the nations, for the people, for souls, for the Savior's Grace.