"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light" (Romans 13:12).
Taking a risk. A step out in Faith. What's the first thing that comes to mind. Fear. Why are Christians so afraid to take a risk for the cause of God? Why are we so timid, so fearful. We proclaim on Sundays that we are saved and that we live for Jesus, but the minute we walk out of that door we become a different person. Stop being a lukewarm Christan, you're blaspheming the name of Jesus Christ. I'm sorry but you are not saved. If you are not fully living for Christ. wholly devoted to His will, you are not saved. It takes more than a sinner's prayer to be saved.
Risks. Something we Christians are not willing to take because of the fear that we have inside of us, because of the sin that we still cling to. We can't let go. We just stand at the the edge of the cliff and say "Yep, God this is good, this is as far as I'm gonna go, but I can still get to heaven because I believe." Wrong. Believing is one thing, but Living is another. You believe, ask yourself this: if tomorrow someone pulled a gun on you and told you to renounce you faith, to spit on the name of Jesus Christ, to deny everything that Christ has done what would you do? You're probably saying you wouldn't, shaking your head that you would never deny Christ and the cross. But truly deep down you know if that situation were to happen you would cry out for your life to be spared.
The Lord Jesus died upon the cross not just to get you out of hell and into heaven. he died upon that cross to get out of heaven and into you! So he could actually call the shots. actually controlling what you do with your hands. actually controlling where you go with your feet. actually controlling what you say with your lips. actually controlling what you think with you mind. actually controlling the decisions that you make. All of this is the measure by which you are saved. But really how much do you let God control these things. "Okay God you can control my hand and feet today, but I've got everything else." No that's not how it works. God must have complete control over every aspect of our lives, to the point that everything we do and everything we say it is Jesus Christ.
Look at the Risk takers of the Bible:
- To Joab, who took up arms for the cause of God, and said, "May the Lord do what seems good to him!" (2 Samuel 10:12).
- To Esther, who risked her life for the Jewish people in exile, and said, "If I perish, I perish!" (Esther 4:16).
- To Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who stood unflinching before the fiery furnace and said, "Even if God does not deliver us, be it known to you, O king, we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image" (Daniel 3:18).
- To Paul, whose life seemed to be round-the-clock risk, but who said, "I do not count my life of any value nor as precious to myself if only I may accomplish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24).
They gave themselves over wholly to the Lord and everything that He willed. There lives were in His hand, became His. They stood at the edge of that cliff and jumped, they took that leap and let their lives fall into God's hand completely. Yet, we see these examples and we are still afraid. Jesus took the ultimate leap into His Father's hands, he died on a CROSS! HE DIED. Why can we not leap, why do we stand at the edge? Because we can't let go of this world. What is so special about this world? What is so worthy that we must live in it and worship it and drown in it? I can't see anything, there is NOTHING. So what are we waiting for?
Stop gauging how far the drop is. Who cares, God is there, He will catch you. He will take your life and make it a new creation. It is work, but Eternal life with God is worth everything. You cannot change the world by standing on the edge the whole time. A risk-taker will jump, feel the wind pulsing through his ears, hear God's voice in his head, feel God's love in his heart. A true believer, a true Christian will jump when the rest of the world stands on the edge staring down below.
Jump and Never look back. From this day forward you will no longer be ashamed of the name of our Father or of His Gospel. You will follow His voice wherever He leads you, unafraid, for you know He will be with you. If you should stumble, if you should fall, if you should deny His name, if you should feel guilty that you did not pray or did not do something He asked you to do, You will not QUIT. You will not wallow in guilt. You will turn back to God, confess your sin, and do what He has called you to do, because that is why He dies for you. You WILL STAND with GOD and your brothers and sisters around the world because no matter what happens, no matter what you face or hot it looks, in the end, WE will be VICTORIOUS- WE will INHERIT ETERNITY and HEAVEN with God. We can do nothing else, because we live and die for JESUS CHRIST.
"He gave everything for us, will we give everything for him?"
Just think about it.
His and yours